In this tutorial, we'll look at creating a custom carousel slider. This can be useful to showcase your posts, products and custom post types with Owl Carousel using a repeater.

Owl Carousel Example
Owl Carousel Example

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Things Needed

We will create the carousel with a repeater element as this way we can reuse the carousel.

Create a new snippet - I named it scripts enqueue for my better understanding. I had the owl.carousel.min.css, owl.theme.default.min.css & owl.carousel.min.js uploaded to the directory /wp-content/snips/ this can be downloaded from owl carousel github page linked above.

/* Owl Start */

wp_enqueue_style( 'owlcore', '/wp-content/snips/owl.carousel.min.css' );
wp_enqueue_style( 'owltheme', '/wp-content/snips/owl.theme.default.min.css' );
wp_enqueue_script( 'owljs', '/wp-content/snips/owl.carousel.min.js',array( 'jquery' ),'2.3.4',true);

/* Owl End */

Step 2: Create the repeater element

For me I created a Repeater with the following elements. All the elements were wrapped inside a Div element and all elements in the div is stacked vertically with 100% width.

Repeater Element Structure
Repeater Element Structure

Step 3: Modify the Elements

Repeater Element

Add a class of owl-carousel (or a choice of yours) to the element

Under query option I manually put up the queries. For better understanding you can use Sridhar's Guide -


In the layout option make child elements stack horizontally with top vertical alignment and center horizontal alignment.

Repeater Layout Option

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Div Element

Make width 100%

Step 4: Create a Code Block

In the code block just paste the below javascript

jQuery(".owl-carousel > .oxy-repeater-pages-wrap").remove();

  loop: true,
responsive: {
// breakpoint from 0 and up
0: {
items: 1,
nav: true,
margin: 10,
slideBy: 1,
rewind: false,
// breakpoint from 500 and up
500: {
items: 2,
nav: true,
margin: 10,
slideBy: 1,
rewind: false,
// breakpoint from 768 and up
768: {
items: 2,
margin: 10,
nav: true,
slideBy: 1,
rewind: false,
// breakpoint from 1024px and up
1024: {
items: 3,
margin: 20,
nav: true,
slideBy: 1,
rewind: false,
// autoplay: true,
// autoplaySpeed: 1500
// breakpoint from 1440px and up
1440: {
items: 4,
margin: 20,
nav: true,
slideBy: 1,
rewind: false,
// autoplay: true,
// autoplaySpeed: 1500

To explain the above the first set of code is to remove repeater navigation which is unnecessary in this stance. The Next and final code initializes owl carousel.

When adding the javascript note that you should change the word owl-carousel to the name you used in the repeater.

Next add the following css in the css section of the code block.

.owl-theme .owl-nav {
margin-top: 10px;
outline: none;
.owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev,
.owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next {
position: absolute;
padding: 10px !important;
top: 38%;
line-height: 1;
outline: none;
.owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-prev:hover,
.owl-carousel .owl-nav button.owl-next:hover {
background: none;
color: #404040;
outline: none;
.owl-carousel .owl-nav .owl-prev span,
.owl-carousel .owl-nav .owl-next span {
font-size: 40px;
outline: none;
color: #fff;
.owl-carousel .owl-nav .owl-prev {
left: -10px;
.owl-carousel .owl-nav .owl-next {
right: -10px;

.owl-carousel .oxy-repeater-pages-wrap {
  display: none;

Change the CSS Values as necessary.


Hydrogen Paste Code

The Below Code is from generated from Hydrogen Plugin. Use the copy button and then paste it inside oxygen builder. Requires Hydrogen Paste or Hydrogen Plugin


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If you prefer other carousels over flickity you can try the below:

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In this tutorial, we'll look at creating a custom carousel slider. This can be useful to showcase your posts, products and custom post types with flickity using a repeater.

Flickity Carousel Example
Flickity Carousel Example

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Things Needed

We will create the carousel with a repeater element as this way we can reuse the carousel.

Step 1: Enqueue the Necessary Scripts & CSS using Code Snippets

Create a new snippet - I named it scripts enqueue for my better understanding. I had the flickity.min.css & flickity.pkgd.min.js uploaded to the directory /wp-content/snips/

/*Carousel Start */

wp_enqueue_style( 'flickcore', '/wp-content/snips/flickity.min.css' );
wp_enqueue_script( 'flickjs', '/wp-content/snips/flickity.pkgd.min.js',array( 'jquery' ),'2.2.1',true);

/*Carousel End */

Step 2: Create the repeater element

For me I created a Repeater with the following elements. All the elements were wrapped inside a Div element as we need a div element to declare it as a carousel cell needed for the carousel to work well.

Repeater Element Structure
Repeater Element Structure

Step 3: Modify the Elements

Repeater Element

Add a class of flick (or a choice of yours) to the element

Under query option I manually put up the queries. For better understanding you can use Sridhar's Guide -


For sizing option make width 100%

For layout make the element a block

Div Element

Add a Class of Carousel-cell for the div to work correctly as a single slide.

For Layout options, All child elements stacked vertically with Horizontal alignment in the center and Vertical Alignment in the top.

For the Div element I added a padding of 5 px to left and right to make spacing. It is advised to only use padding in the case of carousel to avoid errors that is caused by margins.

In the stance for width I gave 25% as this would yield 4 carousel in view. You can also give 33.33% if you require on 3 carousel in view or as needed.

For the height make height AUTO

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Step 4: Create a Code Block

In the code block just paste the below javascript

  cellAlign: 'left',
  contain: true,
  wrapAround: true,
  autoPlay: true,
  prevNextButtons: false,
  pauseAutoPlayOnHover: false,

To explain the above the first set of code is to remove repeater navigation which is unnecessary in this stance. Second code ensures the height of the carousel is as needed and matches the highest height to the repeater itself with the class flick and finally the last code initializes the carousel script.

The code has been updated only to work with flickity. The code would initialize the carousel script.

When adding the javascript note that you should change the word flick to the name you used in the repeater.


Hydrogen Paste Code

The Below Code is from generated from Hydrogen Plugin. Use the copy button and then paste it inside oxygen builder. Requires Hydrogen Paste or Hydrogen Plugin



If you prefer other carousels over flickity you can try the below:

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I was a DIVI lover and used to recommend it in my community all the time believing it like as if it was the best thing one could expect at a price of just $200 (now 249) for lifetime, until I met Oxygen Page Builder. It was a great deal given the big community and lots of supported third party plugin, worthy mention plugin from TORTOISE IT - Like the Woo Layout Injector and the DIVI layout injector. So why did I still switch read my whole blog and you will understand.

Why I chose DIVI?

First thing to clear is the reason for me getting DIVI:

  • DIVI is user Friendly
  • It's cheap when compared as a lifetime plan
  • The whole community along with market place like ELEGANT MARKETPLACE mad e DIVI a whole new experience.
  • The Drag & Drop system of DIVI was very seamless.
  • It was a framework robust yet easy.

but it was not enough for my projects such as a listing site.

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Switching to Oxygen: Reasons

  • No Bloat compared to DIVI
  • Has a learning curve good for people who want to sustain and grow in their knowledge.
  • The small but growing helpful community with other small communities help to grow it fast.
  • The devs are super helpful
  • Its a site builder so one could say its a DIY tool for all needs, I like my sites self curated.
  • If it does not have a feature you want all things are available for you to integrate yourself.

Reasons for the switch

Divi overall is great but the need for third party paid plugins would always get on my nerve even if they were cheap when I bought it. Compared to Oxygen this is different they give you the power to do everything yourself giving it just the right amount of nuclear power to become the best.

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when it comes to comparing bloat i always felt DIVI to be bloated with features like for example the contact form. I usually end up using CF7 or Fluent Forms this are by far the smallest contact form and end up giving almost zero load time impact. Another example would be the unneeded CSS codes that are there in DIVI even if you are not using that particular module. Oxygen on this regard is bare bone thus making it by far more lucrative. Below is a chart for comparison:

Divi VS Oxygen chart
Note: This only represents non compressed data compression squeezes everything.


As Oxygen has less scripts and CSS, it is way faster than any other builder I have seen also the method it uses to deliver output is on par with the current trends.

Special Oxygen Only Features

Oxygen has many features some core to oxygen only. One such feature is the conditions for all elements. Conditions is like sprinkles on top of elements, it can range from cookie based condition to interaction based condition. For example for a E-Commerce homepage one can set elements based on the time and day of the month. They can also set if in mobile show some thing else show blank. Such features are available in other builders too but they are limited, limited by the fact that the code output will happen but would not be displayed where as in Oxygen the code is not even produced so less codes for the browser to process. This helps to speed up sites that are big such as E-Commerce or Listing sites with ever changing contents based on user needs and interactions.


If some is starting with page builders Divi would be a great place to start if you want all in one item but if you are a novice at wordpress oxygen would be the best option there is.

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As I started developing my portfolio section, I noticed 6 great killer portfolio tips that I thought could improve just about any web portfolio. Having a great web portfolio is a must as it helps to describe what you can do, even though you may have a CV / Resume, a portfolio stands out the most. It helps create a difference between landing a job and being the secondary choice. So lets look into the 6 great tips.


Portfolio listing

Portfolio Tip #1: Showcase the best

Show your best works, it will illuminate your works better instead of throwing out all the different works you have done. If you are not satisfied with a work its best to avoid it in the portfolio. This will ensure you receive quality work instead impractical tasks.

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Portfolio Tip #2: Keep it simple

Someone browsing your portfolio only came there for a lot of reasons. Hopefully, to check out what you have accomplished, assess that which you’re able to, if they like what they see, hire you.
This ensures that the shorter, plus more obvious, you create the path to browsing live types of your work, better an impact you are going to leave on a potential employer or co-worker.

Example: Simple Portfolio

Portfolio Tip #3: The Real Thing

It really helps to engage a person when they can browse live versions of your hard work. Imagine how disappointed a potential employer is going to be after they go to a nice piece of work that like, and would like to explore, but it ends up to simply be considered a barely perceptible image of an online site. So, create a link and provides them genuine!

Portfolio Tip #4: Good Website Design

Having a design that does not only looks good: but, is easy to see, navigate, and engages an individual is very important for making a good impression online. Using the A.I.D.A. formula is a fantastic idea when making: A – you would like to capture their Attention. I – Hold their Interest D – Convince them they Desire what your offering and finally A – Lead them to take action.

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Portfolio Tip #5: Have a Strong Logo

For a business or any individual, having a logo and a logo to represent that brand can help get you noticed and remembered. A logo signifies strength of a portfolio website. It really is important to have someone that knows what they are doing for this one; if you’re not acquainted with the procedure yourself, rely on someone else which is. Building a brand name and logo that is certainly memorable, distinct, and truly represents the theme of your business or your work.

Portfolio Tip #6: More isn’t always better

If you have plenty of work to exhibit though, if not think of limiting your selection for a best items of work. Think about which pieces highlight skills you would like to offer, highlight stronger interests you pursue, and constantly try to select one that flaunts something was challenging for you: this to spotlight your more advanced/valuable skills.


Having a a great web portfolio describes you and your work. It not only defines what you can do but also help you on landing high paid contracts and jobs, simply ensuring what you have to present to them. Most people look for specific niche thus the illustrations of your work will help to create a vision in their mind what to expect from you.


Courses you can opt -in to better your portfolio:

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Scope (How the Integration Came to be)

I have recently migrated all my posts from DIVI builder to Gutenberg and plan to use it going forward. Recently diving into Oxygen Builder I found some mismatches in the CSS and they were bugging me a lot. Being a curious new player in the field I wanted to fix it.

Version History

Version 1 - NOV 2019

The first set of integration work is live and is working flawlessly with few errors. Almost all the blocks were working correctly except the Embed of Facebook & Audio.

Version 2 - 10 FEB 2020

Updated it too look better on some cases.
Fixed Bug: Caption links and caption texts on images

Installation - Oxygen Template System

The Installation of this integration is fairly easy. One of the greatest feature in oxygen comes to play regarding this, Inner Content. Inner Content out of the box does not do anything but the mixing of code levels it up.


  1. Create New Template - No Design Inherits & in the others section toggle Inner Content. What this will do is capture everything that is passes the inner content but is not built with Oxygen Builder itself. Example if a page is made with Gutenberg only that will pass through this template nothing else.
  2. Go to Templates and Navigate to your Blog Post Template (Single Blog Post). Open the template in Oxygen.
  3. Once the Oxygen builder opens, click add and then add a section. Inside the section place a inner content element. This is the default system meant for Oxygen to work correctly. you should already have the inner content template. On the same section follow step 4.
  4. Add a Code Block Element to the section below inner content. Add the below codes to the code block respectively to get them working.



add_theme_support( 'responsive-embeds' );
add_theme_support( 'customize-selective-refresh-widgets' );
add_theme_support( 'wp-block-styles' );
add_theme_support( 'align-wide' );
add_theme_support( 'editor-styles' );
add_editor_style( 'style-editor.css' );


.wp-block-preformatted {
display: block;
  font-family: Menlo, Consolas, monaco, monospace;
  white-space: pre-wrap;
  word-wrap: break-word;
  text-align: justify;
  margin: 1em 0;}

.wp-block-code {
	font-family: Menlo, Consolas, monaco, monospace;
	font-size: 14px;
	color: #23282d;
	padding: 0.8em 1em;
	border: 1px solid #e2e4e7;
	border-radius: 4px;
 	white-space: pre-wrap;

color: #23282d;
	font-size: $default-font-size;
  text-align: center;}

pre.wp-block-verse {
  white-space: pre-wrap;

.wp-block-image figcaption {
  overflow-wrap: break-word;
  text-align: center;
  font-size: x-small;

The above should work for all Oxygen versions.

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linkedin facebook pinterest youtube rss twitter instagram facebook-blank rss-blank linkedin-blank pinterest youtube twitter instagram